William H Bouterse wrote:
> Is there any thought to having ONLY
> first-time users attempt to install and use basic
> L-M setup? 

That's one option.  The other which I practice, is to sandbox my mind and do the
install without trying anything a total newbie wouldn't; it's actually quite
easy if you just focus strictly on the context of what you see, hear and read. 
Imagine not cheating on a test...

> I have been trying to spread the word about
> Linux and Linux-Mandrake in paticular for years but have found,
> unfortuantely fairly often, even highly intelligent people,
> some with advanced education levels and professionals in the use

Totally agree.  I'm about to help my sister in Canada install LM7.2 when it hits
the street; the problem is that I'll be doing this remotely from NC.  She's
never used Linux; but is determined to make the switch because M$ finally pissed
her off for the last time.  She run's her startup business from a wheelchair at
home, so she is going to rely heavily on me now that her son is off to college.

My concern is that for the initial install, I can only give guidance and let her
fly solo...  That's why I stress the install/upgrade issues.  

> Keep up the great work People.
> This a great distro of a great OS.

Seconded!  My first paid distro was RH4.1, then several others to 5.2 after
which I bought LM6.0 and 6.5 which I liked better.  The reason I haven't
purchased 7.0 or 7.1 is that I've had too many problems with install/upgrade. 
However, what I like best about Mandrake is that they *listen* and do a great
support job.  I've gotten the "shove off" from RedHat once too many times to
ever go back to that distro; RH doesn't support beyond the newbie level IMO.

That said, I filed a bug on:  install via pcmcia/ftp fails in stage2 ("install
exited abnormally -- received signal 9")...  this level of install problem
should be in the show-stopper category; but I'll leave that call to LM.

I really want to buy copies of 7.2; but 7.2b3 doesn't cut it.  If I can't
install a distro on my least critical machines, it doesn't get on my main one.  
So far, I'm chomping at the bit to see 7.2...  but gotta get past the


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