On Sun Oct 08, 2000 at 08:02:44PM +1100, Ron Stodden wrote:

> The sysvinit installation of Mandrake 7.2 beta, just like all its
> predecessors, still fails to start the nfs daemon.

Huh?  I've installed RC1 on my desktop machine twice this past weekend
and once on a laptop... in all three cases NFS started just fine.


> This situation plainly tells the world that no use of nfs is made
> within MandrakeSoft development.   How are files shared if there is
> no networking?   How can a package be tested without having the
> context of all the other developers current work?

Which is completely inaccurate.  I use nfs, many other developers use
nfs, and it's being used in the office.  Obviously we use it and,
quite frankly, it starts just fine.

> The post-install fix is easy - ksysv and move nfs to runlevels 3 and
> 5 at, say, S27.

Or chkconfig --level 35 nfs on

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