On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> > On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, Geoffrey Lee wrote:
> > > Yo,
> > >
> > > On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 11:21:27AM +0200, Yoann Vandoorselaere wrote:
> > > > Chmouel Boudjnah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > > > > > I heard from GNU that this isn't a production release
> > > > > > Here is the link:
> > > > > > http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-2.96.html
> > > > >
> > > > > We use it for cooker not for frozen, 7.2 will keep gcc2.95 stable
> > > > > version with cvs updates.
> > > >
> > > > Read what people on cooker said... They do not want it.
> > > > By doing such thing, you ensure that C++ coder using cooker
> > > > will stop using it...
> > > >
> > > > Don't make the same mistake redhat did.
> > >
> > > Rather, I worry that you will lose a lot of users if you use gcc 2.96
> > > for cooker.
> >
> > I can't believe Chamouel basically says "Follow the leader." If Mandrake
> > followed everything RedHat did as it did in the early releases, it would
> > have nothing to offer over RedHat. Thankfully, this is not the
> > case. However, now he says "RedHat did it so we must do it too." This is
> > ironic because it is yet another way for Mandrake to stand out from
> > RedHat and show their support for the GCC team and "stable" releases.
> > Even I criticize Mandrake for their lack of stability. This certainly
> > will not help. Please think of valid reasons instead of simply saying
> > "Well RedHat is doing it so we have to do it too."
> Well spoken!
> In the eyes of the Linux community, RedHat is making a really big blunder
> with their inclusion of 2.96 in their mainstream release. It doesn't even
> matter if this is really the case or not -- the linux community will view
> it as such because of all of the bad press about it.
> Mandrake should stay as far away from 2.96 as they can right now, so as not
> to get included in the RedHat bashing that's going on right now. If
> Mandrake truly wants to be thought of as "separate, different, and
> ultimately better" than RedHat, they need to stay as far away from 2.96 as
> they can for the moment. Wait for 3.0.
> My .02.
> -Steven

That's a good point too - right now redhat is losing a lot of respect and 
customers, customers that will probably rush to mandrake because althought 
it's different and better it's still the same. It's fine to maintain a redhat 
like model but to hell with remaining compatible. I hate to think of Mandrake 
as a lemming of Linux distro's when its really something much more. In so 
many way's a pioneer, giving people todays technology today with frequent 
distro releases that contain up to date, although stable packages (except for 
KDE2 (1.99) anyhow ;) ) But I'm using it and not complaining.

Redhat losing all this respect could be a turning point, time for Mandrake to 
carry the baton for a while. I'm glad to see 7.2 doesn't have 2.96, I hope no 
release will.

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