At 12 October, 2000 Thierry Vignaud wrote:
> Mattias Eriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > At 12 October, 2000 Thierry Vignaud wrote:
> > > And as for us, we _never_ release a distro with gcc-2.96.
>  > 
> > To quote Guillaume Cottenceau:
> > "if unfortunately gcc3 will not be out for our next release we will have to 
> > find a solution, and it will not be to revert to 2.95 for sure."
> and to quote me:
>         'we've never released a distro with gcc-2.96' :-) (see above ??)
> past!='possible future', ok?

Ehhh se above... OK "we _never_ release" !=  'we've never released

Better learn hot to quote...

> > to rush into things without even knowing if it's needed. I dont think the 
> > right way to prepair for a kernel is to use the hackerkernel as default for
> > a unknown period of time before the expected stable release, the same apply on 
> > compilers!
> then 2.4.x drivers won't be tested, then new gcc generated code'll never
> be tested. Is this you want from us ?
> whatever gcc-3 is availlable or not for 7.3/8, we'll provide a tested and
> fixed gcc. in fact, gcc-2.95.3 may have more bugs that the new one ...

I said for a unknown period of time, when I know that the time to the expected 
release of a stable kernel is less than the time to the distributions release
I think it's ok to use unstable stuff to make it stable. In that case you 
never risk to be in a situation where you have to release a unstable kernel.
The same goes for compilers....

If I dont have a clue about when the expected releases will happen, the 
best choise is to wait and gather more info.


Mattias Eriksson             E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Tvistevägen 26                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
907 36  UMEA                 Tel:    090-198800
SWEDEN                               070-5636769
'I don't fight for a cause   Hemsida: 
I fight for the fight'       PGP:

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