To all the silly people discussing the silly sshd issue: PLEASE F*CKING

This forum is for the development of cooker, not for public debates on
the definition of "workstation" or the draconian cable usage agreements.
I understand the need to discuss these "distribution" issues, but
Mandrakesoft have other forums for that.

As if it were not enough with all the newbies flooding cooker with every
beta release, they keep hanging in there with silly discussions after
the beta process is over ... this is a real deterrent to actual
developers trying to help shape cooker. I have seen this cyclic behavior
too many times, and frankly I think Mandrake guys need to put a little
more moderation on cooker.

I don't know what all the fuss is about, since it is obvious to me that
something like ssh server should be a core package, installed under all
circumstances, but disabled by default. If you need it, you don't need
to go find the CD-ROM or fetch an ftp site, but just enable it. This
satisfies the guys asking for it to be installed at the same time it
satisfy the need of the guys supporting clue less cable companies. So
what is the f*ucking deal??? Please don't answer, remember, this is

Eugenio Diaz, BSEE/BSCE
Linux Engineer

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