--- Ron Stodden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Cooker includes an installation facility as an
> essential component. 
> Discussion of classification of the types of install
> is therefore
> highly relevant to the future of Mandrake, which is
> the sole reason
> d'etre of having Cooker.

I don't think this issue in particular is "highly
relevant to the future of Mandrake", but in a way you
are right. But, on th eother hand, when discussions
get silly moderators should get it right on track. For
example, do you think this is the forum to be
discussing what colors are applied to the foreground
and background of the installer? That surely is an
"install" issue, but more of a marketing issue, and
therefore for Mandrakesoft to decide.

I think the issue of sshd is important, but not as
important as what packages are compiling well under
2.96; or why is this or that segfaulting. and this
issue is *just* starting to evolve into a discussion
of the cable businesses, it makes me remember the
recent "outlook exploit" or "electron's death"

It doesn't hurt to have something funny or
philosophycal once in a while, but when there is a
highly disproportionate ratio between the discussion
of "almost" relevat issues (which almost always evolve
into some other irrelevant discussion) to the
discussion of highly relevant issues, then it becomes
a problem. A problems that traditionally have been the
moderators job on Internet forums.

It is a turnoff, at least for me to get 100-200 msgs a
day out of which 70-80% is b*llsh*t. We should be
stomping bugs.
> That would make your contribution misbegotten and
> out of line, would
> it not?  (A question).

I don't really understand your question, but if you
are refering to me placing my opinion on the sshd
issue in my post; I could not resist *re-stating* the
obvious solution that satify all parties, and that
some other people mentioned before, but got ignored
and the discussion continued on and on about the cable
companies, etc. The reason this happens is because of
a well known Internet phenomenon where people want to
have religious discussions about how they are right
and the others are wrong (no matter what subject); it
is called a "Flaming Party", and it deters for the
actual objectives of the forum.

That is all I have to say, I am not contributing any
more to this thread.

Eugenio Diaz, BSEE/BSCE   
Linux Engineer

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