> >
> > Fuck it, now!!! What do you want me to say!??? Please read my previous
> > explanations. If you think our commercial policy is real bad, please
> > unsub-scribe from any of our mailing lists and stop using Mandrake.
> I like Mandrake, and I've used about
> every computer OS and distro ever made and Mandrake 7.2 gives me more of
> what I ever wanted than anything I have ever used, and consumers trying to
> voice opinion's to help preserve the goodness that is Mandrake-Linux
> shouldn't be told Fuck it. If I didn't care what happened at Mandrake I
> would be telling you that, and I would have moved on to debian already. I
> care enough about what happens to the distro and the Image of Mandrake from
> something like this to take the time to write about it, nothing more.

I have to agree with Jason on this. Hopefully the majority of Mandrake Soft 
will understand our concerns and reply in a somewhat more appropriate fashion 
than the quote above. While not totally happy with the idea of consumers 
getting the "less than finished" version of 7.2 I can also understand the 
business side of it. Perhaps in the future the idea of a different version 
number would help keep something like this from happening again. We all 
laughed at RH for putting such an unstable 7.0 out because of their rush for 
a new release... It's easy to point and laugh until a deadline come crashing 
down on your head and you have to push something out before you'd like to. 
Over all, I believe Mandrake came out way ahead of Red Hat by waiting as long 
as they did to put 7.2 on the shelves. The average consumer has no knowledge 
of the intricate details that concern most of the people on this list. I 
believe that as long as the KDE and Gnome interfaces work without segfaults, 
the office software is sound, the majority of sound and video cards are well 
supported, and printing on 99% of the common printers works, the consumer 
will be generally pleased even if it happens to contain KDE 1.99 rather than 
the released 2.0. Don't get me wrong, I don't like to sacrifice any quality, 
but the boxed versions are already out so all we can do is ask for changes 
next time or at least a little bit of a heads up from Mandrake Soft. So 
please, anyone from Mandrake that reads this, consider using a different 
version numbering system if, god forbid, this ever happens again. 
Congratulations on the final 7.2 and allowing everyone to work so closely on 
squashing bug after bug to make Mandrake such a great distribution. Lord 
knows I take a beating on IRC defending you guys to the likes of Debian and 
Slack! ;)

PS for the guys a Mandrake: Now that 7.2 is really released are the CD's in 
the boxed sets going to be slowly replaced by the actual release?? for 
example: when I buy a boxed set say 3 months from now, would it be the RC1 or 
the one with kde2 we find on the mirrors right now?

Note: This is my one and only post on this subject. If anyone would like to 
say something in reply to me personally, feel free to email me. I would 
rather not clutter up the mailing list any more than it has been for the past 
2-3 days. 

Tim McKenzie

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