Is the only difference bettween the two is that one contains 
KDE2pre and the other KDE2. If so then what the hell is the 
problem, there is not even that much difference bettween the two 
versions of KDE and also KDE2pre works fine, I run it on Mandrake 
7.1and it's fine. Plus it takes nothing to updated it. Anyway from 
what I have here the KDE people are planing on put a bug update 
out in about 3weeks anyway (2.0.1 or something) so if you are that 
worried about the bugs in KDE you will be updating to that version 
anyway whether or not the final Retail version had KDE final on it. 
Plus Mandrake is a great distro, and its not their fault that Walmart 
pushed their hand. So everyone stop bloody bitching about 
something that realy doesn't matter and try to find real problems.

Mark Hillary

> Millions of electrons died to bring me this message.  Was it worth it,
>  Jason Straight?
> > On Sunday 29 October 2000 16:00, you wrote:
> > > Well take the Red Hat linux distro and call it Mandrake and redistribute
> > > it....
> > 
> > Yeah, but the difference is Mandrake did that and they didn't call it RedHat 
> > anymore! MacMillan is distribuing "Mandrake Linux 7.2" only it isn't!
> > 
> > it's 7.2rc1 or thereabout. If they are going to do that they need to change 
> > the name to MacMillan linux 1.0 or whatever.
> They don't *need* to change the name.  Unless MandrakeSoft didn't give
> MacMillian permission to use their trademarked name (mea culpa about the
> "copyright" screw-up on my part), there's nothing that can be done to stop
> them.
> Of course, they *should* change the name, or otherwise make it clear that it
> is a beta version.  But the US market system and legal system go by what is
> legal, not by what is right.
> The only thing we can do is to get the word out: the thing called "Mandrake
> 7.2" that is sold in Wal-Mart is not the real Mandrake 7.2.
> -- 
>   Graham Percival

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