"Brian J. Murrell" wrote:
> from the quill of Vadim Plessky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on scroll
> >
> > Advise is needed...
> > I got answer from Compaq - in general it can be translated like _fu$k
> > off_
> Maybe you are new to Linux, but this is not at all atypical.
> I have been thinking about vendors with this kind of attitude.  I think
> that we (as Linux users and developers) should start a registry of
> companies that will not support Linux.  My first candidate would be
> Iomega.  They are b*stards.  They more or less hang the phone up on you
> when you tell them you are using Linux.  Next would be my DSL vendor,
> PacBell.  They do pretty much the same thing.
> Anyway, we should remember who these folks are so that when the tide
> turns and Linux dominates the world, we (the Linux community) provide no
> help or support at all, in getting Linux running on or with their
> hardware.  But even moreso, as users, we DO NOT buy their products, now
> or when they finally do change their minds and support Linux.  Let them
> sell them to the diminishing Windows market and go out of business when
> it finally dries up.
> We should be quite public about the fact that if a hardware vendor
> refuses to support Linux now, it will be shunned and boycotted when the
> time comes that they do want to support Linux.  Let them gamble on not
> supporting Linux now when we need them.  Turnabout is fair play I say.
> I will NEVER buy another Iomega product EVER, and I am just biding my
> time until I can shuck my DSL vendor.
> One can dream every now and then, no?  :-)
> b.
> --
> Brian J. Murrell

FWIW, when I was trying to get dsl, the PacBell representative seemed
disinterested in this fact and I moved on to Covad/Mindspring, who came
out and installed dsl on PacBell's lines.  It depends on what the tech
you talk to knows and these things change rapidly in either direction
but my experience has been that Mindspring (now Earthlink) has tried to
answer my Linux questions and give me links if not being 100%
proactive.  Please remit US $.02 to:
Rolf Pedersen

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