Well....I haven't found a Iomega drive not supported by Linux but......if Linux
support is so good how come you can only put 119MB on a Zip 250. Even gdiskfree
shows it as only 51% full, but can you get any more on it ? nooooooo !



On Thu, 09 Nov 2000, you wrote:
> Turnabout is fair play I say.
> >
> > I will NEVER buy another Iomega product EVER, and I am just biding my
> > time until I can shuck my DSL vendor.
> which iomega product is not supported by linux
> Jazz /Zip use either standard drivers (scsi card) or named drivers from
> the kernel (buried in the iomega site is a
> download for PPA/IMM Zip drives)
> the cd should use standard drivers (panasonic??)
> ditto uses more or less standard drivers (its scsi??)
> so what is the deal with iomega??
> Robert L Martin

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