Thanks, Chris.


On Monday 13 November 2000 11:12, you wrote:
> Your bugs where forwarded to the KDE 2 development team and they are
> working on it.
> -Chris
> On Monday 13 November 2000 11:36, you wrote:
> > Hi, all.
> >
> > Question: is anybody working on Konqueror bugs? I submitted a bug report
> > to regarding Konqueror's inability to handle most
> > java appletts. The big report made it into the bugzilla database, and it
> > got assigned, but there doesn't seem to be any activity on the bug. I ask
> > because there are a lot of other Konqueror bugs, but I won't waste my
> > time reporting them if they are not being worked.
> >
> > --Doug

Douglas Roberts, TSA-SA        |
Los Alamos National Laboratory | All good work is done in defiance
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  |  of management. -- Bob Woodward
(505)667-4569                  |

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