On Sun, Nov 19, 2000 at 08:46:44AM -0800, mdk mailin list (Harry) wrote:
> So, I have been using joe since day-one of using Linux.
> So, every version of Mandrake (not to mention every other distro) includes
> joe.
> So, I installed Mandrake 7.2 (the complete, 4-cd version). I actually bought
> it to see what the new version's all about.
> So, I do an installation with 'ALL', custom to use ReiserFS.
> Upon rebooting, going back into a terminal window, and trying to edit the
> hosts file, I type in 'joe hosts'.
> I get a 'command not found'.
> I do a locate for joe. I use the find function to find joe.
> Joe's gone.

It's gone because you're too lazy to install it:

[snailtalk@ke RPMS]$ ls joe*
[snailtalk@ke RPMS]$ pwd
[snailtalk@ke RPMS]$ 

Geoffrey Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

~/.signature ¤¤¤åbig5 compliant (You can't see it thanks to new glibc. :p)


"Seven days in a honeymoon makes one whole week."

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