On Sunday 19 November 2000 23:27, you wrote:
> So sprach Pixel am Sun, Nov 19, 2000 at 08:14:00PM +0100:
> > the 'ALL' pb is a big pain. If we install too much people complain (eg:
> > aspell-cs => 64MB), and in the opposite people complain (eg: complain
> > they have X http servers running)
> Although I really think he did not choose the right words, he really hit
> something true here.  Selecting ALL in combination with a language really
> should mean ALL language independent packages plus the packages for the
> chosen language.
> And that's also the difference between aspell-cs and joe.  aspell-cs is
> just the Czech language package for aspell, and thus very likely will only
> be used by Czech people plus a tiny minority of others.
> Joe on the other hand may be used by a lot more people, that is, by anyone
> who's able to speak English.  That would be anyone starting with Linux.
> And heck, why should aspell-cs *NOT* be installed when selecting ALL? 
> After all, ALL means every available package.  Well, maybe there should be
> an option "ALL" and "ALL with EVERY language".
or only ALL EVRy language ,( the dialog refer to language not directly to 
it will be more clear to specify that but not necessary , it's not a real 
problem .
> Alexander Skwar

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