We get 128K ISDN for about $900 per month here, unlimited bytes. - but that 
includes all isdn line costs etc.

> "Brian J. Murrell" wrote:
> > from the quill of Ron Stodden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on scroll
> >> My vendor (Optus) records all the usage, drops the high and low 5% of
> >> users to arrive at an average usage figure on a 14 day rolling
> >> average.  Any individual user who exceeeds 10 times this usage on the
> >> same 14 day rolling average, risks having his account cancelled.   I
> >> am running at about 4.6   This scheme permits those occasional days
> >> of heavy usage without essential penalty.
> > And that's the best deal "down under"?  If so, somebody please kick my
> > ass if I ever think of relocating there.
> No, some providers with satellite links (e.g, Paradox) can give you byteless
> deals. But data does cost lots here compared with US (and probably less than
> other countries). Standard rate is about 19c/MB (halve that for US cents), many
> ISPs trade at between 11 and 14c/MB, I saw one consulting co in Perth trying to
> retail at 45c/MB (ghasp!). So... <kick>! But Oz is generally a nice place to
> live.
> -- 
> Five years ago I was on a flight from Vegas to Dallas.  The pilot
> said, "Those of you on the right side of the plane can look down
> and see Meteor Crater.  One of our flight attendants saw it for
> the first time last week, and said 'Wow, it almost hit that road!'"

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