On Tue, 31 Oct 2000, Brian J. Murrell wrote:

> from the quill of James Sutherland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on scroll
> > 
> > They prohibit (ab)use of the connection for running public servers.
> Why is running a public server on bandwidth that I am paying for abuse?

You are NOT paying for that kind of bandwidth. You are paying for
restricted access to shared bandwidth. You want to run a server? Pay for
the bandwidth.

> > Running publicly accessable WWW or FTP sites IS abuse, IMO, and SHOULD
> > be
> > prohibited.
> Why is it abuse?  I am paying for bandwidth.  How can you determine that
> one use of it is use and another is abuse considering all uses only move
> bits?

Traffic levels and nature.

> > Completely different situation.
> Only in their definition of use and abuse.  When visiting
> www.playboy.com is determined to be abuse it won't be different.  It's
> all in what they decide is use and what is abuse.
> > Airlines ALL do it,
> They don't put rules in place to prevent you from flying when they do
> oversubscribe and they compensate those who suffer due to it.  (I can't
> believe I am defending airlines -- I despise airlines).

They DO set restrictions on tickets - often restricting you to a specific
flight, on a "use it or lose it" basis. They overbook, and cases do occur
when they cannot carry everyone.

> > buffet restaurants do it;
> They do?  I don't think I was ever limited in how I ate at a buffet.

You really believe they had an infinite amount of food available? I've
seen them run out of food before. (The restaurant in question did close
the next week...)

> > ISPs all do it;
> We are talking about ISPs here.  You can't use something you are trying
> to define in it's own definition.

I am not trying to define anything. I am pointing out that all ISPs do
this, not just my one.

> > banks
> > all do this with cash.
> I have never been limited in any way from getting my cash out of the
> bank either.

Interesting; every cash machine I have ever used has had a withdrawal
limit. There are limits on counter transactions as well. If you have
enough balance, try withdrawing gbp100k from a cash machine, and watch the


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