Another feature that bugs me in RedHat/Mandrake...enviroment! If I select I want to make a SERVER EXPERT install why is then all this X stuff installed??? I have to run through the whole software list and unselect TONS of workstation apps...
What should I do with gimp, imagemagicks, kde, gimp... on server?
I agree there should be a "graphical" server install but if you work with many many servers that do their job as internet servers and so on you do apriciate the fact, that you can say install server and you'll get machine with approx. 200Mb disk space occupied and server apps.
For example in FreeBSD if you do server install you only get approx. 200Mb system with all necessary apps for server (tcp wrappers, bind, postfix/sendmail, ssh, telnet...). It is easier just to add what you need (squid, apache..) then to remove tons of apps.
Please don't say: "Who cares, use FreeBSD then or whatever...", I think the goal is to make Mandrake THE BEST DISTRO! And I think it already is, but we can make it even BETTER with such things.
Thank you,
Alen Salamun

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