Christian A Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> What's up with Mandrake???   Why is EVERYTHING added to cooker and not to 
> normal updates?  The use of MandrakeUpdate seems to be quite unnecessary 
> since Mandrake doesn't add stuff to it..  Everything seems to be in 
> development updates and for glibc 2.2.
> I'm seriously wanting to start a discussion here to get this clared up, if I 
> seem a bit aggetated please excuse me, I'm just starting to get feed up about 
> this.

We can't do everything.

We do use MandrakeUpdate for security updates. It already costs resources
because changing something means:

- doing it for a number of old distribs (7.2, 7.1, 7.0, 6.1)
- backporting the specfiles that have changed with newer versions of RPM
- troubleshooting the dependency problems, thus making other packages

Currently we chose to not put resources into doing that sort of stuff.

Think two minutes: what would you like to see in the updates? obviously,
for example kde-2, gnome-1.2, xmms-1.2.4, rpm-4, XFree-4, for older
distribs such as 7.0. This is an *enormous* amount of work, and, come on,
we release everything on the web very conveniently, so why not upgrading
or installing the 7.2..

Guillaume Cottenceau -

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