On Tue Feb 06, 2001 at 10:13:32PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I upgraded to 2.4 kernel under mandrake 7.2. I'm not using devfs (or I
> don't think I am at least).  Anyway, I modprobe ide-scsi, cdrecord works
> fine to it.  But I can't access it through /dev/scd0 anymore.
> cat /dev/scd0
> cat: /dev/scd0: Device not configured
> I assume that this is due to major numbers being changed (bleah, they
> changed the joystick major numbers too. (and moved it to /dev/input/js0
> too).
> Here is my current configuration for this device:
> brw-rw----    1 root     cdwriter  11,   0 Sep 27 05:31 /dev/scd0
> If someone could give me the correct major number (or lead me in the
> correct direction to fix this problem), I'd appreciate it.

Nope, that's wrong.. the major's haven't changed.  It's not
automatically loading the sr_mod so you have to do this for it work:

modprobe sr_mod

I think this should be fixed soon though, as it used to do it automatically.

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