Thank you Alexander, that took care of my problem!


On Sunday 04 March 2001 18:45, you wrote:
> So sprach Armisis Aieoln am Sun, Mar 04, 2001 at 09:49:45PM -0500:
> > The old Aurora in 7.2 was ok cause showed a list not just flashing words
> > so fast one cant read it like the new one.  The new one is of no use to
> > me and i cant figure out how to get rid of it.
> rpm -e Aurora
> BTW: How do I ENABLE Aurora?  I've installed the Aurora RPM, what should I
> do next?
> > Once it is informitive for troubleshooting (expecialy always running a
> > cookerversion like i do) then i would be glad to use it!!
> For troubleshooting, I think that especially Aurora is of no use at all.  I
> even set in /etc/sysconfig/init BOOTUP=verbose, so that the messages
> printed during boot are somewhat more informative.
> Alexander Skwar

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