See, even Pete installs Zope, nfs, heartbeat :-) And Pete doesn't want
to run it. Maybe he just wants to test it? So how come developer's
conclusion is: "If I want to install this RPM package, it means I want
to install it?" :-) And how can I remember 2200 RPM packages? :-)

crond + anacron + xfs are definitely useful tools, but regular desktop
users don't need "cfengine", "heartbeat", "xinetd", "bind", "nfsclient".

However what if we come up to a solution to add one more check box in
the like:

 Installation option: 
 [ ] Recommended 
 [o] Customized 
 [ ] Expert 

 [x] Turns off network servers (daemon) by default to make Linux
Mandrake secure and more responsive because I only want to run this
computer as a desktop for either workstation or development machine.

What do you think??


Pete wrote:
> I will second this. I've used Mandrake for awhile, and always turn
> everything off that I don't want or need, (nfs, heartbeat, fetchmail,
> zope, ...) during install. However, most users don't know what or how to
> turn daemons off, and therefore don't!
> I definitely turn off "mon", as it usually has my system for lunch right
> after the install. Another thing that slows performance initially are
> things like slocate. I know that it is necessary to update the database
> and that once the database is updated, the next update goes relatively
> quickly. However, if you have a number of partitions/hd's the initial
> update takes forever, and all your resources are gone. A new user would
> have no clue what is happening.
> I completely agree with turning everything off by default and presenting
> a dialog with directions on how to turn them on.
> My 2 Cents.
> Pete

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