On Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 12:15:40PM -0600, Aaron Cohen wrote:
> I think perhaps the best way to do this would be to split licq up into:
>       licq-base (which provides licq-base, requires licq-plugin)
> and
>       licq-plugin-qt-with-kde
>       licq-plugin-qt-no-kde
>       licq-plugin-console
>       licq-plugin-(some_other_plugin_here)
>               (which all provide licq-plugin, and require licq-base)
> Would that work?

No. Currently, in the Licq package, it is set up in such a way that
the Licq plugins provides licq-plugin.


A plugin is *required* for licq to work. If I split it up and only licq-base
gets installed which requires licq-plugin then how will someone know
which plugin to install? Then again, if I split it up into licq-base
and then have it require the default no-KDE Qt plugin then there is no
point in splitting.

Geoffrey Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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