Responding to my own message:

I think I might know why this happened.  I think someone commented the
other day that rpmdrake does not exit when you click Gnome's X button.
It only exits properly if you select File->Quit from the menu.  I tried
it and I see that behaviour too.  I just checked and there were 5 old
rpmdrake processes running because I had used Gnome's X button instead
of File->Quit (and I tried running it from the command line and got the
same thing - exit using the X and it doesn't return you to the prompt
until you kill it).  That would explain why rebooting fixed my problem -
it killed all the processes, including which ever old rpmdrake process
that was messing with the NFS mount.  So, that needs to be fixed.  :-)

While I'm at it: Feature request for rpmdrake: A "Select All" button.  I
see 12 packages that need updating, a single click to pick them all
would be nicer than clicking each one manually.

But contrary to popular complaints, I like it.  rpmdrake seems like a
good program.  And my 300 MHz Cray/Celeron (Crayon?) seems to handle it
ok.  ;-)  (Sorry, couldn't resist)


On 23 Mar 2001 23:53:19 -0700, Eaon wrote:
> Subject pretty much covers it.  :-)  rpmdrake kicked off rpminst to
> update some packages, and for some reason it couldn't establish the NFS
> connection to the system that houses my mirror (that's my theory,
> anyway), and rpminst just hung.  Dead.  I hoped maybe it would timeout,
> so I just left it.  Had supper.  Watched a movie (Bless The Child, if
> you care, not bad).  Came back.  Still hung up.  Rebooted (sorry, bad
> holdover habit from my M$ days), and it established NFS just fine and
> worked.  Am I missing a setting somewhere?  Or is rpminst in need of a
> timeout?
> Eaon

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