<cynic mode>
There are many possible motives for creating a new editor, programming
language, or program to replace an existing program.

These include: 
-a need to correct mistakes or problems in a previous program (hopefully
large mistakes, that require a different paradigm to address)
-the joy of creation
-academic recognition (in the case of academics)
-business competition

The first reason strikes me as the most valid.  Too many programs are
created for the other reasons.

Unfortunately, this creates a Tower of Babel for computer users.
</cynic mode>

Knowing this doesn't help,
Randy Kramer

Greg A. Bur wrote:
> I don't think it's compiled but yes, it is object-oriented.  It is also
> easier to learn *cough*bullshit*cough*  I do suppose it has a niche, whatever
> that may be.  Like I said, I'm not a developer so I won't pretend to know it
> all.  Just an observation.
> On Monday 26 March 2001 00:02, Richard Chase wrote:
> > Well, I don't happen to be a Perl user (yet), but isn't Python a
> > compiled and object-oriented version of Perl? Correct me if I am wrong.
> > As such, its niche is also understandable, and desireable.
> > Rich
> --
> Greg A. Bur
> http://www.rivertown-computers.com

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