On Tuesday 27 March 2001 20:50, uli wrote:
|   Am Montag 26 März 2001 15:43 schrieben Sie:
|   > The first reason strikes me as the most valid.  Too many programs are
|   > created for the other reasons.
|   >
|   > Unfortunately, this creates a Tower of Babel for computer users.
|   > </cynic mode>
|   I think it becomes a principal problem of linux that we have a lot of
| little stable programs which is a bit confusing for beginners, on the other
| hand the bigger programs are often unstable and almost ever very slow in
| comparison with the windows equivalents: even kword needs more time to
| start than winword though it has less functions.

well, it's absolutely untrue, to my mind.
I have here Kword (from hackkoffice, thanks Laurent!) and WinWord 2000.
WinWord is extremly slow to start.
Kword starts pretty fast. And many people waiting KWord to obtain MSWord 
filters, just to replace StarOffice bloatware, which is very slow in their 
I don't have here StarOffice so can't say anything about it. 
// and OpenOffice SRPM required from me Java to compile. God!  I don't have 
Java and don't need it...
|   I like the little linux tools like pico but I think as long as we have no
|   stable and easy to use apps like winword linux will not succeed on the
|   desktop. The situation got even worse because the IE dominates the net
| nearly absolutely. Here we have again a lot of little browsers like lynx
| but we are missing a usable all round program: Netscape 4.7x is too old,
| Netscape 6 is a catastrophe, konqueror is still relatively unstable. They
| all including mozilla and galeon are much slower than IE. And there are

Konqueror *doesn't* use Mozilla.
And it is pretty stable - it works in many situation where MS IE just hangs 
machine :-)
Seriuously, the only module which can generate errors (and some unworking 
sites) is DOM2 (mouse events in JavaScript menus, etc.)
AFAIK DOM2 support is on priority list for KDE 2.2

| more an more sites which you can't see in a reasonable way with any linux
| browser.
|   What I wanted to say is: It would make more sense to improve the
| stability and abilities of the big apps than to invent the 30th text
| editor.

Yep. Or 71st Window Manager.
(check http://xwinman.org, I like Others section as the best :-)
But, most likely, I will go for it - I need WM which just manages windows, 
has switchable themes, still small in size and conforms with some standards.

AFAIK there is no WindowManager like this.
KWin (from KDE 2.1) has good standard conformance but rather big IMHO, plus I 
am not very happy with its configurability (window decorations).
SawFish is most likely second best in standard conformance, but librep 
(working LISP inside :-) is not the way to write/use Window Managers. Plus, 
it is really huge...
Other WM's are smaller but lack standard conformance...
(IceWM, for example, is really moving in wrong direction)

|   Though I'm sometimes a bit frustrated I don't give up on linux!

Of course not!
It's time to invest, not to give up!
|   Uli


Vadim Plessky
http://kde2.newmail.ru  (English)
http://kde2.newmail.ru/index_rus.html  (Russian)
Do you have Arial font installed? Just test it!

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