Sarang Lakare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> Here are some more impressions/experiences with LM8.0 Beta2


> - PLEASE IMPROVE GUI!!!!!! are the artists at LM listening????? rpmdrake 
> looks yuck to say the least (sorry!).. Just compare kpackage and rpmdrake.. 
> they are MILES apart in looks.. And if u say looks don't matter.. then go use 
> debian/slackware/redhat.. We expect cool GUIs from LM.. I have suggested this 
> b4 and will again suggest it.. USE QT!!!! There is nothing like Qt out 
> there.. If you keep using Gtk, u're GUIs will always suck.. Again, for those 
> who don't want to use/keep Qt on u're machines, go use 
> debian/slackware/red-hat.. 

Hey , don't be so extremist . Just matter of taste .
> For those people I would like to ask : Why are you 
> using Netscape??? Is the code open? why do u use real-player?? What has Qt 
> done that everybody is against it? They have an open-source product which is 
> GPLed.. 

And before it was , hackers got used to code in GTK ;)

> what more do u want??? remember that enterprise has money and so 
> they'll buy when they want to sell proprietery product.. there is nothign 
> wrong in that. If LM were to use Qt, their GUIs will look awesome! An ideal 
> solution would be to use Qt, but have 2 versions of all GUIs.. one based on 
> KDE and other Qt-only.. it won't be too difficult.. simply change the main.C 
> and compile again & don't use any KDE widgets

Give us fuel (resources & time ) to do so .

> - Please mention if u are using LILO or GRUB? The boot screen is simply 
> awesome, but there is no mention that its a OS chooser.. A small note at the 
> bottom of the screen saying this is LILO or GRUB won't affect!

Will be considered . Francois ??



> - urpmi shld be case insensitive. For eg. i wanted to install mySQL devel 
> package.. so i obv. said "urpmi mysql" and it showed me 2 packages which i 
> didn't understand what the were.. after searching for mysql on the web, i 
> found that its actually MySQL! 

rpm is case sensitive :(



> - urpmi shld ask b4 installing all the dependency packages... 

Huh! that's the case .

> I think it shld 


> - I have said this before.. but I am repeating.. give good names to your 
> configuration programs. Can anybody tell me what sort of order is there in 
> these names? : DrakConf, mousedrake, XFDrake, draknet etc.. 

To make you happy , i just linked DrakConf to mcc (standing for Mandrake control 
Center )

> First of all the "drake" comes anywhere.. there is no thought given to 
> cases.. "drake" is sometimes "drak" (draknet etc.)...
> I propose to get rid of that "drake" word.. it may be very obvious to people 
> at LM, but its strange for others/new_users. Mandrake is now pretty famous 
> and they don't need to put "drake" into every other name.

Thanx for this inputs, /methink that this should be discussed seriously.
> Here is a my new proposal for naming:
> "setup" - to setup/configure u're system
> by default, setup will run DrakConf (yes.. now u can simply simlink setup -> 
> DrakConf and keep those "drake" names which are obvious to you)

And what should we do with the genuine setup binary on the system ??

> "setup" will take parameters.. "setup mouse" will start mousedrake, "setup X" 


> - Add a call to DrakConf from inside Gnome and KDE control centers.. that way 
> users have a central place to go to all the time.

Good idea .

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