> > - PLEASE IMPROVE GUI!!!!!! are the artists at LM listening????? rpmdrake
> > looks yuck to say the least (sorry!).. Just compare kpackage and
> > rpmdrake.. they are MILES apart in looks.. And if u say looks don't
> > matter.. then go use debian/slackware/redhat.. We expect cool GUIs from
> > LM.. I have suggested this b4 and will again suggest it.. USE QT!!!!
> > There is nothing like Qt out there.. If you keep using Gtk, u're GUIs
> > will always suck.. Again, for those who don't want to use/keep Qt on u're
> > machines, go use
> > debian/slackware/red-hat..
> Hey , don't be so extremist . Just matter of taste .

Look.. I am not being an extremist.. its a fact that the current (and all 
your GUIs till now) look really horrible. They are nowhere compared to Qt/KDE 
GUIs.. this could be because i work with them under KDE.. if that is the case 
then you guys shld make sure that gtk gets a theme which looks good under 
both KDE and GNOME.. right now they simply suck... and thats the reason why i 
say that it could be because of Gtk.. I know for sure that Qt and KDE 
applications look the same under GNOME.. and hence if I were you, I would 
prefer Qt..

> > For those people I would like to ask : Why are you
> > using Netscape??? Is the code open? why do u use real-player?? What has
> > Qt done that everybody is against it? They have an open-source product
> > which is GPLed..
> And before it was , hackers got used to code in GTK ;)

so now hackers have a new library to hack!

> > what more do u want??? remember that enterprise has money and so
> > they'll buy when they want to sell proprietery product.. there is nothign
> > wrong in that. If LM were to use Qt, their GUIs will look awesome! An
> > ideal solution would be to use Qt, but have 2 versions of all GUIs.. one
> > based on KDE and other Qt-only.. it won't be too difficult.. simply
> > change the main.C and compile again & don't use any KDE widgets
> Give us fuel (resources & time ) to do so .

I am giving all the help i can.. by making LM look/feel better, u'll sell 
more copies and u'll get more fuel!.. if u don't improve the look and feel, 
there will be many who will float away to SUSE.. I don't want to see LM 
getting bad reviews.. Read yesterday's review of SUSE on the Duke of the 
URL.. they have soo much praise for their GUIs.. and they really look good 
and professional.. you guys seriously need to improve the looks. Business 
people demand professionalism and home users demand decent looks.. both of 
which are laking right now (and the contrast between them and KDE adds more 
to it!)

> > - Please mention if u are using LILO or GRUB? The boot screen is simply
> > awesome, but there is no mention that its a OS chooser.. A small note at
> > the bottom of the screen saying this is LILO or GRUB won't affect!
> Will be considered . Francois ??

Maybe "using LILO ver..." or "using GRUB ver ..." such small things go a long 
way when trying to help someone out! btw, if right now i want to do "linux 
3".. how do i do? earlier atleast it used to show the menu below... maybe u 
shld have a "press esc to go to traditional view" implemented and written 

> [...]
> > - urpmi shld be case insensitive. For eg. i wanted to install mySQL devel
> > package.. so i obv. said "urpmi mysql" and it showed me 2 packages which
> > i didn't understand what the were.. after searching for mysql on the web,
> > i found that its actually MySQL!
> rpm is case sensitive :(
hmm.. isn't it possible to add insensitivity inside or urpmi?

> > - urpmi shld ask b4 installing all the dependency packages...
> Huh! that's the case .

No.. I mean b4 installing every package.. right now it asks only at the 
beginning.. what if i want to install some of them and not all..?

> > - I have said this before.. but I am repeating.. give good names to your
> > configuration programs. Can anybody tell me what sort of order is there
> > in these names? : DrakConf, mousedrake, XFDrake, draknet etc..
> To make you happy , i just linked DrakConf to mcc (standing for Mandrake
> control Center )

hmm.. but isn't that another name to remember?? My whole point was to make LM 
more and more user-friendly.. and that u can do only by using names which are 
obvious.. thast why i suggested "setup".. I don't know which setup binary u 
are talking about below? there is no setup command in LM 7.2 nad LM 8.0.. And 
if setup is not available for any reason, then think of something that will 
be obvious to any linux/unix user.. like "conf" or "configure"?? 

If you keep adding more Mandrake-specific names, you are simply framenting 
linux (as in the distributions) bit by bit.. "linuxconf" is a cool name.. u 
could use that too.. and have "linuxconf -redhat" run the red hat version!.. 
SUSE and others are also doing the same stupidity by giving their own names 
to utilities. Again, "setup" is the best i feel.. and  i see no reason why u 
can't use it!

> > First of all the "drake" comes anywhere.. there is no thought given to
> > cases.. "drake" is sometimes "drak" (draknet etc.)...
> > I propose to get rid of that "drake" word.. it may be very obvious to
> > people at LM, but its strange for others/new_users. Mandrake is now
> > pretty famous and they don't need to put "drake" into every other name.
> Thanx for this inputs, /methink that this should be discussed seriously.

please do.. and please implement the following proposal that i gave..

> > Here is a my new proposal for naming:
> > "setup" - to setup/configure u're system
> > by default, setup will run DrakConf (yes.. now u can simply simlink setup
> > -> DrakConf and keep those "drake" names which are obvious to you)
> And what should we do with the genuine setup binary on the system ??

> > "setup" will take parameters.. "setup mouse" will start mousedrake,
> > "setup X"
> [...]
> > - Add a call to DrakConf from inside Gnome and KDE control centers.. that
> > way users have a central place to go to all the time.
> Good idea .



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