So sprach Sarang Lakare am Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 09:35:36PM -0500:
> b4 and will again suggest it.. USE QT!!!! There is nothing like Qt out 

Okay, you like the look of Qt - I don't.  Now what?  I can't stand how Qt
looks, and please don't tell me to piss off - I don't like this either!  Gtk
is more flexible and the themes look nicer.

> - I have said this before.. but I am repeating.. give good names to your 
> configuration programs. Can anybody tell me what sort of order is there in 
> these names? : DrakConf, mousedrake, XFDrake, draknet etc.. 
> First of all the "drake" comes anywhere.. there is no thought given to 
> cases.. "drake" is sometimes "drak" (draknet etc.)...
> I propose to get rid of that "drake" word.. it may be very obvious to people 
> at LM, but its strange for others/new_users. Mandrake is now pretty famous 
> and they don't need to put "drake" into every other name. 

I disagree.  All the Mandrake tools should be named DrakeXY IMHO.  This
would make very clear that this is a Mandrake tool, and would also allow
easy finding of the tools on the CLI.  Just type Drake<TAB><TAB> and you'll
see a list of all the Drake tools available.

> Same goes with the desktop.. why "DrakConf" and that 
> not-so-professional-looking icon for configuration? Why not simply name it 
> "Setup" or "System Configuration"?? Internall it'll run DrakConf .. thats 
> fine.. but why are u forcing user to remember "DrakConf"? Again this is very 

Something I don't like about the way you write - you try to press you're
opinions on others.  Sorry to say this, but I don't know - somehow all
you're kewlness makes your texts hard to read.  I'm not attacking you 
now: For this reason, it seems like you're a 12 year old who doesn't know
how to write (somewhat) correctly.  Again: Don't take it personally, it's
not meant that way.

> PS : This is the right time for you guys to change names and implement a new 
> policy.. since u are moving from 7.2 to 8.0.. Also remember that I am not 

Maybe you're a little, naah, a lot too late.  Mandrake 8.0 is already at
Beta 2, and I doubt that the Mandrake guys will do such a drastic move at
such a late stage...

Alexander Skwar
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