On Thursday 29 March 2001 07:39, Sarang Lakare wrote:
> > > - PLEASE IMPROVE GUI!!!!!! are the artists at LM listening?????
> > > rpmdrake looks yuck to say the least (sorry!).. Just compare
> > > kpackage and rpmdrake.. they are MILES apart in looks.. And if u say
> > > looks don't matter.. then go use debian/slackware/redhat.. We expect
> > > cool GUIs from LM.. I have suggested this b4 and will again suggest
> > > it.. USE QT!!!! There is nothing like Qt out there.. If you keep
> > > using Gtk, u're GUIs will always suck.. Again, for those who don't
> > > want to use/keep Qt on u're machines, go use
> > > debian/slackware/red-hat..
> >
> > Hey , don't be so extremist . Just matter of taste .
> Look.. I am not being an extremist.. its a fact that the current (and
> all your GUIs till now) look really horrible. They are nowhere compared
> to Qt/KDE GUIs.. this could be because i work with them under KDE.. if
> that is the case then you guys shld make sure that gtk gets a theme
> which looks good under both KDE and GNOME.. right now they simply
> suck... and thats the reason why i say that it could be because of Gtk..
> I know for sure that Qt and KDE applications look the same under GNOME..
> and hence if I were you, I would prefer Qt..


I second this (just in case anyone is listening)
                 Linux Mandrake release 7.2 (Odyssey) for i586
                                    KDE 2.1
              Linux 2.2.17-27mdkWin4Lin, Uptime 2 hours 49 minutes

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