Tim wrote:
> >
> > ok...thanx for the confirmation. i was starting to feel like an idiot
> > after somebody pointed me to rpm's..<no offense...but i did say i tried
> > rebuilt the rpms..etc, we probabely also have different versions of the
> > cooker kernel also>
> >
> > Although i have yet to really go thru everything thoroughly, this is
> > unusual bug activity which all points back to the kernel.  could be that
> > i downloaded at a bad time.  happens sometimes.
> In no way was I trying to make you feel like an idiot. I just knew that those
> files worked as I am using them myself on the latest mdk kernel. Sometimes
> you download a bad src.rpm with dependency problems, so I thought I would at
> least give you another option.

wasn't meant to sound offensive.

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