I'm a huge mandrake proponent, love it, and although all my hardware seems to 
work fine a lot of my config files are hand configed. so pretty much any 
kernel with the right options would work for me. What I noticed that put me 
off was when I installed a system yesterday and got a few packages that 
couldn't be installed from CD so I had to skip them. 

kde-pim was one, can't remember the other 2.

Anyway I downloaded from sunet.se, checked the md5's were good, burned the 
ISO's and verfied the ISO against what was on the CD, that also verified 

On Sunday 22 April 2001 08:39, you wrote:
> Well,
> I'm testing Rh-7.1 for some problems I'm having at home with Mdk and my PC.
> Indeed at the moment the differences are:
> Topics                Mandrake 8.0            Redhat 7.1
> ------------------------------------------
> Scanner               NOT working             Working
> DVD           NOT working             Working
> SCSI sys      NOT working             Working
> Network               Working                 Working
> NVidia                NOT working             Working
> Desk Env.     Perfect                 Good
> Programs      Many nice programs      Quite enought
> So, I really don't know. I like Mandrake since 5.x over all other
> distributions, but I need to use my hardware!
> Me and other talked about the scanner problem. It was ignored.
> Xine is old, something other don't work. Even xine won't compile.
> Some tools are missing even selectioning ALL categories during
> installation, I mean, for example, nslookup and traceroute, pine and so on.
> I mean: nslookup, traceroute and ping are even present in Window$, now I
> cannot find it in Linux?!?!?!?!?
> XcdRoast (ok, even if only root can use it, it's always better than
> nothing!) is not in the distribution and gcombust is in the second cd...
> Moreover, people with aic scsi subsystem cannot install Mdk-8.0 on their
> machine (I had to use my dvd for installation...), and I suppose that 90%
> of scsi controllers are "aic" controllers.
> NVidia drivers and Pine are not included in distribution for their license.
> OK, why then do you release Netscape? Should be coherent with it.
> So... when 8.1?  ;(
>       Claudio
> PS) Sorry, I know you made a great work. But I was waiting since 3 months
> for something that now is not usable at 100% but... let's say at 60%. How
> many people are in this conditions?!?

Jason Straight

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