Le Mardi 24 Avril 2001 07:39, vous avez écrit :
> On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Pixel wrote:
> > > Sorry that your holiday is disturbed like this :) , but seems people
> > > have a hard time with their PS/2 mice. Not only thinkpad users, but it
> > > seems to affect many more users generally.
> >
> > i'm only aware of thinkpad pbs.
> Yes, if u have reviewed the traffic once more in this list you'll
> certainly find that some people have problem detecting their PS/2 mouse
> during install. Have to go for generic mouse first, then switch back to
> PS/2 moue after install. And Aurora too........ (or did I misunderstand
> anything?)
> > the persons taking care of this are
> > Chmouel Boudjnah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and
> > Philipp Rumpf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > (poor them)
> Around that period, gc responded to people even more then chmouel do :P
> Abel Cheung

Sure, but problem still exist. During install, system freeze at the start of 

The box said  "Need Windows 95 or better", so I installed Linux

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