Has anybody figured out what code disabled the PS/2 mice on Thinkpads in

I can report that the kernel as shipped with 8.0 doesn't detect the PS/2
mouse on Thinkpads and that a kernel compiled from the source rpm's that
shipped with Mandrake won't either but that if you grab the latest 2.4.3
sources and compiled from there you'll get a mouse detected no problem.


Folks have been reporting that RC1 worked with Thinkpads so some patches
occured b/w RC1 and 8 that caused the PS/2 mice no longer to be supported by
the kernel. I noticed there was some disabled PS/2 keyboard code in a recent
April 16 commit notice. But otherwise I haven't investigated it any further.

Does anybody have the autoconf.h that it used to configure the kernel that's
shipped with Mandrake? I'd like to try it with the 2.4.3 source because I've
got a couple of "Failed"'s at bootup even though I have a working mouse and
I'd like to see the Alsa stuff and how that was setup too.


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