Hi everyone,

my first impression during the install was : good job very impressive.
The installation was done without any trouble.
All the componants of my computer were detected and well recognized.
Except to my printer : IBM 4019. I really don't know how to use configure it. Cups got 
it in his printer database. But nothing to do... It's just not working... I'm still 
trying to figure out how to set it up.
Nothing to say about the install.
I did the install choice, not the upgrade. I was using mdk7.1 before.

I'm now using mdk8.0 since the first day of release.
I've noticed some bugs and get some requests. Here is the list.

1- licq : i'm using WindowMaker as window manager. I've decided to use gtk plugin. I 
got all the licq rpm installed. But I cannot get gtk plugin to work except if I create 
a symbolic link to the good library. If I close the licq program thru the Window 
manager, it crash licq.

2- umount: when I shut down the machine, I got 50% of chance to not unmount cleanly 
all my partitions. That is really bad. I remember to get same troubles with old mdk 
distributions, maybe 6.1 or 6.2 not sure.

3- automount: I've choose to use automount. Well, automount is not working at all with 
audio cdroms. So I made all the changes to not use automount in fstab anymore.

4- bad LS_COLOR: I'm using init level 3. Example : if I do ls in my directory. All 
sub-directories are blue but also crossed. Result : you cannot read the answer of any 
ls in init 3. One strange point : if I'm using X, I don't have this problem. I 
remember to get this problem in old mdk distro too. (maybe 6.1 too not sure).

5- bad font with star-office 5.2: I can't explain why. I made the install of 5.2 with 
mdk7.1 and it works great. Since I'm using 8.0, the fonts look ugly.

6- wmakerconf: where goes wmakerconf ?

7- galeon: I cannot change the theme. If I try to do it : immediate crash. so bybye 

8- localisation: I'm using french localisation. Why during the boot some messages are 
in french, some are in english ? Make your choice. Everything in english or everything 
in french.

9- xfs: the X font server has a strange behavior since mdk7.2 . I'm decided to use 
lilo and selected extended vga option. Everything looks like I want until xfs start. 
At this point, vga option seems to be overwrite and go to normal. In mdk7.1, even 
after xfs started, extended vga was used. As I said before, I'm using init 3. Extended 
is very useful as display.

10- kernel: sounds like 2.4.3 is buggy. I had the following trouble once. After the 
boot, I launched X and I went back to my computer half-hour later. I tried without any 
success to run any programs, except in a new console I was able to run top. I've 
noticed that kapm-idled was using 100% of cpu. no choice than reboot. I don't have any 
clue and I didn't manage to redo it.

I hope this report will help you.
Congratulations for all the job done anyway.

franck Villaume
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