> > 1- licq : i'm using WindowMaker as window manager. I've decided to use gtk plugin.
>  I got all the licq rpm installed. But I cannot get gtk plugin to work except 
> if I create a symbolic link to the good library. If I close the licq program 
> thru the Window manager, it crash licq.
> I don't get what you mean good library? By default we use the Qt plugin
> for the menu.
> For the gtk plugin to work you must do licq -p gtk_gui or licq -p gnome_gui.
> I wish to add in a menu entry ... but ... that's too late for 8.0 now
> obviously.

during mdk8.0 install, I didn't reformat my home partition (not reformated since 6.1 I 
So I launch licq with the configuration I got with 7.1

I looked at the licq-gtk package from mdk7.1
I found the library licq_gtk_gui.so
And now mdk is providing only licq_gnome_gui.so

by the way, without any symlink from licq_gtk_gui.so to licq_gnome_gui.so, licq -p 
gtk_gui won't work.

if I launch licq with gnome_gui, I still got crash trouble.

Hope this help.

franck Villaume
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