For everyone's info (if you like reading this stuff), there is further
explanation of the problem here: (with links
in that text to the appropriate RFCs on the subject).  As explained in the
text, if you have access to or know the admin who has access to the bad
router, there are patches from the vendors to bring them up-to-date to work
correctly with ECN.  If nothing else, try emailing the webmaster of the
site.  They may not even know about the problem (especially if it is a
Windows only site, since it will probably be another few YEARS before MS
gets around to even reading the RFCs on the subject (much less find a way to
"extend and embrace" it)).


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Juan Quintela
> Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 9:34 AM
> Subject: Re: [Cooker] weird internet stuff
> >>>>> "vincent" == Vincent Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> vincent> Hello,
> vincent> Can anyone think of a reason why one would only be able
> to look at some web
> vincent> sites and not others ?  I'm at work, with my linux
> laptop on the office
> vincent> network.  If I go to one of the windows machines and put
> in the URL i want,
> vincent> it comes up fine, yet konqueror AND netscape come up
> with messages that they
> vincent> can't connect to the website.  If I go into webmin, and
> use dig, it finds 'em
> vincent> just fine.  If I use ping, I can ping 'em just fine.
> Hi
> Easy solution:
>      echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn
>      (you can put it in /etc/sysctl.conf)
> You can also update to 24/25mdk kernel.
> The problem is ECN, a new standard to improve cogestion detection in
> networks.  I enabled ECN for error.  It is disabled again.  In cooker
> we will have ECN compiled in the kernel, but disabled by default in
> sysctl.conf, each user can configure it if they want.
> As other people told in the thread, the problem is that the other
> sites are bad configured, but I suppose that this don't help you :(
> Sorry for the inconveniences, Juan.
> --
> In theory, practice and theory are the same, but in practice they
> are different -- Larry McVoy

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