OK, so I have gotten next to little response here regarding the ongoing
constant problems I am having with multithreaded gnome apps hanging
(well, not hanging exactly -- more like continuing to run but not
updating the window in which it is running).  It is like the gui display
thread stops responding or gets locked up or something.

So anyway, I installed and am running a brand new, "non-polluted" Cooker
as of this past weekend and the problem is still happening.  I have
left as much as I can default -- default Gnome theme at least.  I have a
brand new home directory so there is no "old cruft" causing the problems

I can't believe nobody else is seeing this problem.  I see it with Pan,
Mozilla, and Galeon.  The app will be running along and all of a sudden
there is no display change.  If I "windowshade" the app and then
"unwindow-shade" it the display area on the screen inside it's window
borders take on whatever was underneath the window when I
shaded/unshaded it.  Am I really the only person seeing it?  It must be
environmental if that's the case -- i.e. hardware differences.

I am not sure what else to tell you about it.  What can I do to give you
more information on discovering what is going on here?  I am a hacker,
but I don't really know anything much about gnome/glib/gtk+ --
especially when it comes to multi-threaded gnome apps.

Any help and/or ideas at all would be very helpful!


Brian J. Murrell

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