François Pons wrote:
> Juhan Leemet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Pentium. It's currently running RedHat 6.1 very nicely. I would like to move
> > my machines to a common code base, and Mandrake looks like the best for me.
> > However, I cannot install 8.0 into that machine. I've tried cdrom, network,
> > hd images, but they all fail. Generally, it looks like everything goes OK
> > until "DrakX v1.510 built Wed Apr 18 08:14:11 2001" starts. It then "hangs",
> > and the logs don't say anything useful. The Alt-F1 screen just says "install
> > exited abnormally :-(" followed by shutdown messages and then "you may safely
> > reboot your system". I have some of questions:
> What gives Alt-F2, Alt-F3 and Alt-F4 at least ?
> > If I've specified a text install, why is DrakX (graphic install?) even being
> > used? I would have thought it would use newt for i/o?
> Yes, it should use newt, press F1 on very first boot, then enter text and press
> ENTER key.

> François.

I'm bringing up a question or two on this because although it's not the
same problem, there are similarities. P200MMX, 3.3GB HDD, 160MB RAM,
S3Virge 86c325 graphics card with 4MB video RAM. X cannot be installed
in 8 at all, any version. Even doing an expert text install, along comes
the graphical DrakX and the whole machine freezes solid. At least a
graceful crash is preferable to having to hit reset and use fsck in the
hope of being able to rescue your data. By doing an upgrade from 7.2 I
can get a working X server, but I still have the freeze and rest, and
then the manual fsck before I can get X working.
When is this going to be fixed? I've used every version of Mandrake
since 7.0 and the only one that would install a working X server without
freezing was 7.2. Could somebody maybe compare the code and produce a
patch? This isn't only an installation problem, after installation the
only way to change anything that would normally use drakx is by editing
the conf file by hand, because drakx freezes the system any time it is
I think this is my 6th time of bringing this up on cooker.


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