During the bombing raid on Fri, 27 Jul 2001 08:55:13 +0200, Warly was heard
mumbling in fear:

> "Vox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  >    3. Why is urpmi's list so big? when you do "apt-get update" you get a
>  > 1.44meg file, when you do "urpmi update" (or whatever the command is...haven't
>  > used urpmi in ages due to the damn size of the depfile) you get an 8+meg file!
>  > why? can't this be fixed?
>  > 
>  >    Vox, who'd love to leave apt behind for urpmi, but can't because 8meg
>  > vs 1.44 megs is a significant thing on dialup
>  One difference between rpm and deb is that rpm dependencies are also based on
>  files contained in the packages, not deb. That means that if you install a new
>  packages that need /usr/bin/yaviscool, if you are on a rpm based system and that
>  one of the installed or available package contains this, it will work, but if
>  you are on a deb based system and this file is not provided by any package, even
>  if some packages contain it, it will fail.

        That's an interesting tidbit that I didn't know :)  Thing is...I was
talking apt-in-mdk vs urpmi-in-mdk, so no debs involved :)

Pain is the gift of the gods, and I'm the one they chose as their messenger....
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Vox populi, vox deii....

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