Gary Lawrence Murphy wrote:
> How do I ensure my subset of packages is consistent and that I
> haven't left out any RPMs required by the other packages?  For example,
> we don't use KDE, but some other odd packages implicate KDE libs which
> then require the whole of the rest of KDE; we want to ensure we've
> also excluded those odd packages.

The gross answer is by iterative downloads (the rsync technology we
use ensures you won't download any RPM more than once) and installs,
and this method tells the truth.   Start with a full download and
install, then cut back by excluding RPMs you don't want.

If you understand the installer files that control package
classification, weights, and installation of dependencies, you can
construct yourself a checklist, but this will not be as accurate
because the installer is not very sensible about what it installs and
leaves out.  eg, kdegames is always left out.

Ron. [au]

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