on 8/3/01 2:24 PM, Digital Wokan at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> A bare minimum would be a nice option.  I have a router/firewall at home
> that I do put to occassional other uses.  Starting it off from the
> smallest possible install would be a nice choice.

I've moved to the freesco floppy install for firewall/routing now instead of
MDK. Runs off a 486, 16 megs of ram, no HD, and two ethernet cards.

It manages everything on the network nicely, except my macs ( you can all
stop laughing now ) which I have vpn'd to the office.

On my Macs, I use a combo of yellow dog linux and Mac OS 9.1, while I run
Mandrake on my main pc, and slack on a lesser powered pentium pro 200.

The slack box becomes a cooker box every once in a while though :)

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