Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:
> Grégoire Colbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>1- I've received a message from Andreas Bombe, developer of
>>libraw1394. I wanted to know why the dev node /dev/raw1394 was not
>>created while the "make install" was executed. He said that creating
>>dev node like this was against Debian policy (about DEB
>>packages). Instead, they must use /dev/MAKEDEV in postinst. Is there
>>such a policy constraint in Mandrake?
> yep, could you send me the minor/major so i get in the latest MAKEDEV
> package.


-> raw1394 is either mode 600, either mode 666. Since raw1394 will be 
used mostly by home users for camcorders connected through FireWire 
cables, mode 666 would be better for ease of use (otherwise you get a 
"cannot get handle" message which is not very explicit). For security, 
you might prefer mode 600 however (because some people *might* connect 
FireWire harddrives, and could write to them through raw1394 as a simple 
user -- no big deal since such harddrives are very expensive and very 
uncommon too =)).

-> video1394 should be 666

They should be owned by root:root.

>>PS : Ask me in the eventuality of a fix. I do not want to spam the
>>list with messages that will remain unanswered. :-(
> everything should be managed in /etc/makedev.d/

Ok... I think Lenny will update the libraw1394 package faster than me, 
though (if he has enough time).

Anyway, thanks for the answer, Chmouel, I hardly believe it. I thought 
this message was dead. You're great.


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