Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> Grégoire Colbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> [...]
>>>yep, could you send me the minor/major so i get in the latest MAKEDEV
>>/dev/raw1394 171, 0
>>/dev/video1394 172, 0
> Strange, one of them already exists for me:
> [root@obiwan root]# ll /dev | grep "171," | grep " 0 "
> [root@obiwan root]# ll /dev | grep "172," | grep " 0 "
> crw-rw----    1 root     uucp     172,   0 Aug 30 11:54 ttyMX0
> [root@obiwan root]#

video1394 is mentionned at the end of page.


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