> That's one of the worst answers I've seen on this list. 

Thanks for the compliment :-)

> #1) BuildRequires are important - you make light of them.

Perhaps. I'm rebuilding the distro weekly on my alpha and x86 computers, 
the scripts I use install the required BuildRequires before rebuilding 
the package. Through this rebuilding problems in the distribution can be 
spotted early and fixed quickly. I beleive it serves a pupose.

> #2) You say nothing about the reason. 

./configure was looking for /usr/bin/mcopidl, and couldn't find it.

[stefan@taz OK]$ urpmf /usr/bin/mcopidl 

So I added BuildRequires arts.

> #3) All requirements and the "why" of them should be documented for 
> any serious development project. If you can't document why you 
> included the requirement then it's not likely you know. And if you 
> don't know, then don't put it in there. Adding deps just cause it 
> "makes it work" is not software development, it's playing around. 

The thing is, you can document all of this stuff, produce tonnes of 
comments. Will it serve a purpose? If you feel documenting everything in 
great detail serves a pupose, please specify with how much detail I 
should document the changes I make to the packages.


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