tisdagen den 13 november 2001 19.28 Gary Lawrence Murphy wrote:
> >>>>> "M" == Mattias Dahlberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     M> My BBS ran on OPUS, btw. ;)
> Then perhaps you still have a copy of TheDraw.exe, an excellent
> ansi-art editor.

He he, yeah, that was a cool app back then.

> I agree though, turning it off should be easier.  I'm not too
> concerned: The only time I see that login screen is when I boot,
> and that's only done around here when we upgrade ;)

I do "rpm -e linux_logo" the first thing I ever do..., then run rc.local as 
fast as I can and then "init Q" or "CTRL+d" :)

| Oden Eriksson, Deserve-IT Networks, Jokkmokk, Sweden.
| Mandrake Linux release 8.2 (Cooker) for i586
| Current uptime with kernel 2.4.13-6mdksmp: 13:16
| cpu0 @ 814.28 bm, fan 4115 rpm, temp +32.0°C
| cpu1 @ 815.92 bm, fan 4192 rpm, temp +31°C

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