On Tue Nov 13, 2001 at 01:28:54PM -0500, Gary Lawrence Murphy wrote:

> >>>>> "M" == Mattias Dahlberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     M> My BBS ran on OPUS, btw. ;)
> Then perhaps you still have a copy of TheDraw.exe, an excellent
> ansi-art editor.

Wow.  Blast from the past.  TheDraw rocked...  absolutely one of the
best ANSI editors around.  But, after a while, you get an appreciation
for doing ANSI by hand...  (not that I can remember how to do that

> I agree though, turning it off should be easier.  I'm not too
> concerned: The only time I see that login screen is when I boot,
> and that's only done around here when we upgrade ;)

Personally, I think if people want it, they can do an -ivh on
linux_logo from contribs.  They still have choice then, but for the
most part, the penguin must go.

Down with ANSI!  =)  Give me hires or give me nothing.

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