Submitted 02-Jan-02 by Pixel:
> Yura Gusev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> What about removing ugly fonts (XFree86-100dpi-fonts) and installing
>> TTF by default? You can find good free fonts on the internet imho.
> if you know some good free one, please tell! AFAIK there are no free one
> (except for freeware weird/special fonts)

You could provide at least an installer for the MS Web fonts, their
licensing would probably make actually putting them on the disc a
problem, but you could make a package that was essentially an installer
for them (downloaded with wget/curl, unpacked with a cab extracter, and
placed in a Mandrake-specified directory) complete with a warning about
the license.

Considering that Debian provides this in their contrib (msttcorefonts),
Mandrake should be able to provide it as well.
Anton Graham                            GPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>              RSA key available upon request
I remember Ulysses well...  Left one day for the post office to mail a
letter, met a blonde named Circe on the streetcar, and didn't come back for
20 years.

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