Mircea Ciocan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>       Strangely enough, it seem that they are under certain conditions ( like
> distributing the original dos executable archive with the fonts !!!), it
> seem that Bill forget to mention in the licence agreement that they MUST
> be used only on doze OS or probably they just want to promote them and
> the IE friendly pages, anyhow they render Internt pages and normal stuff
> very beautiful and if someone wants to try them ( I'll be extra happy if
> the legal department of Mandrake Soft will study the licence and include
> them in official distribution :) they are mirrored here:
> http://mircea.interplus.ro/webfonts-1-3.noarch.rpm

As far as i've looked, the only accepted form is dowloading for use.
Duplicating the .exe on another server may be allowed?...

If this could be done, we could have an automatic tool which would download
those fonts and install them. Would be nice :)

I don't think we could have more than this.
And if we can't copy the .exe on another server, downloading from microsoft is
kind of fragile. They just have to change the location or decide enough is

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