Guillaume Rousse ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Ainsi parlait Han :

>> " A fast file manager like the explorer build with the gtk-widget-set. "

> Actually, i prefer to add the original first sentence of the
> description, which you used as summary

> Endeavour Mark II is a file browser with management support for all
> types of disk objects. 

Well that is what I got from the site. When I do a first build of an
rpm I go for the site info.

But it seems a tad compli^H^H^H^H^H^H difficult way of describing what
it is. Anyway. It's rather advanced browser and no mercy on

>> But still I don't know how to make mimes for it. Wasn't there a
>> discussion about building a mime interface like menudrake;
>> mimedrake

>> :)

> You mean some independant mime type repository ? Could be
> interesting.  Currently, it seems kde and gnome mime type are
> managed independantly.

Like there are no other ways of using X. It feels like building public
websites for 99% of the browsers. :P No I am kidding.

Ahem. I finally managed to get something working: 

[~]$ cat .endeavour2/mimetypes.ini 
BeginMIMEType = 1
    Type = misc/untitled
    Description = New MIME Type
BeginMIMEType = 1
    Type = audio/mp3
    Value = mp3
    Description = mp3
    Command = mpg321=/usr/bin/mpg321

This is what they want that file to look like. Of course the best we
can do with it is adding it to /etc/skell. Or adding it to

The management tool for the mime-types in endeavour is rather

>> Well a general file with commonly mdk-installed programs would be a
>> nice start.

Still remains a wish :)

> BTW, why did you use /usr/X11 as prefix for this package ?

/usr/X11R6... Well because I like it there. It doesn't work without
X11 doesn't it. Or did I misunderstand hier? What a confrontating
question. :)

Groetjes, Han.

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