Ainsi parlait Neuromancer :
> | > But still I don't know how to make mimes for it. Wasn't there a
> | > discussion about building a mime interface like menudrake; mimedrake
> | >
> | > :)
> |
> | You mean some independant mime type repository ? Could be interesting.
> | Currently, it seems kde and gnome mime type are managed independantly.
> I know next to nothing about kde or gnome, but do you mean something like
> the included text file?  I set this up along with a very detailed mailcap
> so I no longer need any plugins for netscape/mozilla/etc.  Except, of
> course, for flash.
It seems the way endeavour works, at least for individual user mime 
preference. I don't know if it support a centralized mime configuration.
Guillaume Rousse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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