On Tue, Jan 15, 2002 at 03:07:54PM +0100, Han wrote:
> Probably a very wise decission. Everything that arrives on a hotmail
> server is considered to be owned by microsoft. If you Send anything to
> this newsgroup it will be owned by microsoft. I simply bounce mail from
> hotmail servers.

Can you point me to somewhere that they assert this claim?  I know
some folks who at least would like a chuckle at reading this.

If they really are asserting this claim, maybe it is time ML owners
stopped allowing hotmail addresses until MS backs off.  I certainly
will lobby this list and any others I am on to stop allowing copies of
my mail going to hotmail addresses if MS really wants to try to assert
ownership of my writings simply because they land in a mailbox on an
MS server.

As I write this though, I am having a hard time believing even MS
would make a claim to own something they certainly don't have a right
to own, right out of one of their users' private mailboxes.

Please cite your source of this information.


Brian J. Murrell

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